To have access to Verkada Command, you must have valid Verkada licenses for all your Verkada products.
How Verkada licensing is applied
Verkada licensing is applied for each Command organization, and the licenses co-term to a single expiration date. This means that all of the licenses in an organization are combined, and the expiration date for the organization is the weighted average of all the individual licenses. Learn more about how to calculate a license expiration date.
We currently do not support multiple expiration dates for a single Command organization.
View licenses and active products
Licenses and active products are available on the Command License Manager page.
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin
In the left navigation, select Org Settings
> Managed Licenses.
For each product type that requires a license, you see a count of the active products and claimed licenses. If you have less claimed licenses than active products for any of your product types, your license state is Invalid, which means you’ll need to claim your license key to continue using Command. Learn more about how to manage your licenses.
If you uninstall or replace a product, for example due to a warranty replacement, you must remember to delete the product from Command. If you do not delete the product, it will continue to count against your active products. Please note that deleting a product also removes all data associated with the product (e.g., footage, camera settings), so do not delete the product before you’re absolutely certain that you will not re-add that specific device to Command.
View the license state and expiration date
At the top left of the Manage Licenses page, you can see the expiration date for your licenses and the current License state of your organization. All Verkada licenses co-term to a single expiration date, so you will only see a single expiration date even if you have bought and claimed multiple license keys.
View transaction log of all license actions
The transaction shows a log of all license actions taken in your organization, such as claiming a new license key, or unclaiming a key if it was claimed by mistake. If you have any questions regarding the transactions in your log, contact Verkada Support.
Move devices between Command orgs
Licenses do not automatically move with the device. If you need to move devices from one Command organization to another, you need to move the license keys separately. Contact [email protected] for support in moving device licenses between Command orgs.
License requirements by product family
Refer to this table for an overview of the license requirements of each product family:
Product Family | License requirement |
Access Control |
Alarms | One alarm license per location (physical address). Alarm licensing covers a limited number of devices and video verification events.
In addition, one license per device for the following:
Learn more about each alarm license each tier offered. |
Cameras |
Cellular Gateway |
Multisensor cameras |
Environmental sensors | One sensor license per environmental sensor |
Intercom device Desk station |
Viewing station | One viewing station license per viewing station |
Workplace | One Workplace license grants you access to use one Guest iPad and one Mailroom site. |
Purchase Command licenses
You can purchase Command licenses in 1, 3, 5, or 10-year lengths. Verkada licenses are automatically activated on the day the order is shipped. To allow for shipping and installation time, all Verkada licenses for new devices include a 30-day extension in addition to the purchased license term. During this period, the license is valid and can be claimed as usual. The length of the extension does not depend the date the license key is activated or any device is installed.
Licenses are usually sold together with your Verkada devices, but you can also purchase them separately from your Verkada reseller or sales representative. See the latest licensing prices.
Renew your licenses
When your licenses are soon to expire, you need to renew your license to avoid losing access to Verkada Command. You can renew your license by contacting your Verkada Sales Representative or your Verkada Reseller.
Renewal notifications and license expiration
30 days before expiry, you will expect to:
Receive an email notifying you that your licenses are about to expire.
See a banner in Command.
If you haven’t renewed your license within 30 days after your expiration date, you’ll lose access to Command.
Licensing overcap policy
An organization is considered to be in overcap when it has more devices commissioned than the number of licenses claimed.
Overcap policy
Verkada enforces software compliance by requiring each hardware product to have a valid, claimed software license. After a 90-day grace period, organizations without proper licensing lose access to critical functions, including device management and notifications.
The overcap policy introduces an "Invalid" status for organizations exceeding their claimed licenses, ensuring stricter compliance across all Verkada products.
How it works
Verkada will notify all Command users 90 days before an organization loses access, prompting them to claim additional licenses. Organization Admins will receive in-product banners and emails over 90 days to ensure they restore compliance.
All devices will remain functional when access to Command is restricted. However, users will still have access to the License Manager, Devices, and Technical Support pages when an organization is no longer compliant.
Restore compliance
Organization Admins can perform one of the following actions to restore compliance:
Claim any unused licensing keys
Remove any unused devices from the organization
Contact your Sales Representative or email [email protected] if you believe there has been an error with the licensing implementation on your account
What happens if I have insufficient or expired licenses?
What happens if I have insufficient or expired licenses?
Verkada will send you an email notification and add a banner notification to your Command Organization.
You need valid licenses to use Command. If you don't claim your licenses when adding new devices or products, or renew your licenses when they expire, you will lose access to most of your Command functionality after a 30-day grace period.
At the end of this grace period, you will no longer have access to any of your devices or configure any settings. Alarms and Event notifications will also be disabled. You will, however, be able to delete devices and products so you get back into compliance in case you have insufficient licenses.
How will I know if my licenses are soon to expire?
How will I know if my licenses are soon to expire?
30 days before your license is set to expire, Verkada will send you an email notification and add a banner notification to your Command Organization.
How do I regain full access to Command?
How do I regain full access to Command?
If your access to Command was limited due to insufficient licenses, you can:
Delete the products that are above your license cap to get back into compliance
Contact your Verkada Partner or Sales Representative to purchase additional licenses.
If your access to Command was limited due to expired licenses, you can contact your Verkada Partner or Sales Representative to renew your licenses.
Will my devices still record data?
Will my devices still record data?
As long as your Verkada devices are still connected, they will continue to record data. This data will be available when you regain access to Command (as long as you're still within the retention period for the given device). Badges and Verkada Pass will still work as before, but you’ll be unable to change your settings via Command.
What happens if I don't return my expired trial devices?
What happens if I don't return my expired trial devices?
Trialing a Verkada device is the best way to experience how our products and platform works. You can initiate a free trial for most of our devices through your Verkada Sales Rep, or your Verkada Partner.
The free trial lasts for 30 days. After the 30 days are up, you’ll see a banner in Command reminding you to return or purchase your trial devices. If you don’t return the devices within 30 days of the expiry date they will stop working as expected.
If you need additional time to test our trial devices and platform, you can ask your Verkada Sales Rep for an extension.
Need more help? Contact Verkada Support.