Verkada licensing is organization-wide, and the licenses co-term to a single expiration date. The co-termination date is a weighted average of the licenses purchased and claimed by your organization.
If an organization has 2 separate camera licenses:
One 1-year (365 days) camera license intended for one CD41 camera
One 3-year (1,095 days) camera license intended for one CB51 camera
The co-terminated expiration date would be calculated as ((1095*1)+(365*1))/2= 730 days total.
Assuming the 2 licenses were purchased on the same day, the organization would have a co-term expiration date of 730 days from the start date of the licenses.
What happens if I have multiple product types?
What happens if I have multiple product types?
Verkada licenses are co-termed to a single expiration date even if you have multiple product types. The combined expiration date is still the weighted average of the individual licenses claimed into that organization. Each product is weighted by the MSRP of the license cost for that product.
For example, if an organization has 2 licenses:
One 1-year (365 days) camera license
One 3-year (1095 days) air quality sensor license
Because the camera license MSRP is US$199 and the air quality sensor license MSRP is US$249, the co-termination date would be calculated as:
((365*3*249) + (365*1*199)) / ((1*249) + (1*199)) = 771 days
Assuming the 2 licenses were bought on the same day, the co-term expiration date would be 771 days from the start of the license. If you compare that to the 730 days in the camera-only example above, you see that the co-term expiration date is at a future time. This is because Verkada Air Quality Sensor licenses are more expensive than camera licenses and, therefore, are given more weight in the co-term calculation.
What happens if I add devices in the middle of my license term?
What happens if I add devices in the middle of my license term?
Verkada sells 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year licenses. When you add a license to an existing organization, the co-terminating expiration date is extended for all of your devices, accordingly.
Example scenario: You originally purchased 10 x 1-year camera licenses. Upon purchase, you have 10*12 = 120 camera months.
120 camera-months / 10 cameras = 12 remaining months
4 months into the license term, you decide to purchase 3 x 1-year camera licenses. Immediately prior to purchase, you have 10*8=80 camera months.
80 camera-months / 10 cameras = 8 remaining months
After purchase, you have extra credit of 3*12=36 camera months for a total of 80+36=116 camera months. Verkada automatically applies those 36 camera months for your new 13 camera organization.
116 camera-months / 13 cameras = 8.92 remaining months
So with this new purchase, your organization's expiration date moved forward by 0.92 months.
In this way, your organization only has a single co-terminating expiration date, avoiding the confusion associated with multiple expiration dates.
What if I want to manage multiple license renewal dates for my org?
What if I want to manage multiple license renewal dates for my org?
Some customers want to manage multiple renewal dates for their company. For example, a company with regional budgets may want to track a renewal date for each region separately to match their budgeting cycles.
Verkada Command's License Manager tracks a single co-terminated renewal date for an organization. Therefore, customers who want to manage different renewal dates need to create multiple Command organizations, where users can be members of multiple organizations. Admins can create different organizations to match the way they want to manage licenses.
For example, the company that wants to have regional tracking would set up each region as an organization and claim license keys and devices for each one separately. Command users can easily switch between organizations to view different sites, and permissions can be synced via System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) or other identity management tools.
What happens if I claim a license key as renewal?
What happens if I claim a license key as renewal?
When you claim a license key as a renewal, your overall expiration date will be extended based on the proportion of the renewal license purchased.
Before February 2025, renewal licenses appeared in a separate "Renewed" tab under License Manager, and Cellular Data Plan licenses were managed in a separate table in license manager with its own renewal date.
Starting in February 2025, the two renewal dates and products will be merged into a single date and table in the License Manager. This may update your licensing terms once these merge into a single, organization-wide renewal date.
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