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View and Edit Guest Settings

View and edit Guest organization and site settings

Updated over 6 months ago

Guest organization settings

Guest organization settings allow you to configure settings that will apply to all your Guest sites.

View Guest organization settings

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest .

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings .

  3. At the top, select Organization.

Configure Guest organization settings

Below is a general comprehensive list of Guest organization settings you can configure:




Configure general settings such as, Company Name, Logo & Colors, and Badge Upload.

Note: These settings provide the default values for all Guest sites.

Convert pre-existing sites to Guest sites.

Customize check-in requirements depending on the purpose of your guest's visit.

Add documents that guests are required to sign during check-in.


View the list of employees that are hosts for the site or add default hosts who should be notified when a guest doesn't know who their host is.

Note: A site-level employee list will override an organization-level employee list.


Choose how hosts should be notified once a guest is onsite.

Note: Users can also configure these options from

Sync with Clever to manage student check-ins/checkouts.

Approved Lists

Generate lists of trusted individuals who are pre-screened and manually reviewed for future visits.

Upload a .csv file with a list users that should always be denied when signing in. Both email addresses and phone numbers can be associated with these denied users.

Security & Data

Configure organization security settings such as Previously dismissed matches, Retention of Saved Identification Info, and more.

Assign roles to Guest users based on their responsibilities.

Guest site settings

Guest site settings allow you to configure settings for individual sites.

View Guest site settings

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest .

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings .

  3. At the top, select Sites.

  4. From the dropdown select a site to edit.

Configure Guest site settings

Below is a general comprehensive list of Guest site settings you can configure:




Configure general settings such as Location, Site-Specific Logo & Colors, Badge Print Settings, and more.

Select the language options a guest can choose from at check-in.

Note: You will need to translate any highlighted items in the sign-in flow for each guest type for each language selected.

Customize check-in requirements depending on the purpose of your guest's visit.

Add documents that guests are required to sign during check-in.


View the list of employees that are hosts for the site or add default hosts who should be notified when a guest doesn't know who their host is.

Note: A site-level employee list will override an organization-level employee list.

Add up to 4 cameras to monitor guest check-ins.

Add doors that your guests can unlock when they are onsite.

Add a tablet or manage existing tables.

A site-specific code appears here to enroll your printer into your Guest site.


Choose a school to manage student check-ins/checkouts if using the Clever integration.

Upload a .csv file with a list users that should always be denied when signing in. Both email addresses and phone numbers can be associated with these denied users.

Security Check

Hide security screen matches without photos. You can still find them in the dismissed matches section.

Staff Notifications

Choose who should be notified when important events (denied entry, failed security screen, etc.) occur in this site.

Configure a message to inform a guest of denied entry.

Remove a site from Verkada Guest. It will not affect your settings in Command.

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