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Contrôle d'accès
Événements de contrôle d’accès
Événements de contrôle d’accès

Learn how to configure and enable alert notifications for access control events

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Similar to alert notifications for cameras, you can enable alert notifications for Verkada access control events.

Avant de commencer

Requirement. To configure alerts, you must be an Access Admin and a Site Access Admin. Learn more about Access Control Permissions.

Note: Alerts for door opened, door held open (DHO), door forced open (DFO), or Tailgating events only trigger if you have a door position indicator (DPI) installed.

Understand the various access control event types

You can enable alert notifications for a variety of access control events, depending on your configuration needs.

Door event alerts

Type d’alerte


Accès accordé

User is granted access to unlock an access-controlled door.

Accès refusé

User is denied access to unlock an access-controlled door.

État d’entrée AUX modifié

Signal is high for an AUX input.

Déverrouillage AUX

La porte a été déverrouillée à l’aide d’un bouton raccordé à une entrée auxiliaire.

Porte ouverte de force (MPO)

Access controlled or locked door is opened without a request to exit (REX) detected or a user who has been granted access.

Porte maintenue ouverte (DHO)

La porte est maintenue ouverte. Dans Paramètres du programme d’installation, vous pouvez surveiller cet événement et définir la durée pendant laquelle la porte doit rester ouverte avant qu’une alerte ne soit envoyée.

Porte ouverte

La porte est ouverte.

Déverrouillage REX

La demande de sortie (REX) est déclenchée et déverrouille une porte. Dans Paramètres du matériel, vous pouvez configurer la durée pendant laquelle une porte reste déverrouillée lorsqu’elle est ouverte par une demande de sortie (REX).

Horaire modifié

Door’s state changed based on the door’s current door schedule or a schedule exception, or when the door is assigned a new non-default door schedule.

Talonnage détecté

Une caméra située à proximité détecte la présence d’une personne en train de talonner quelqu’un devant une porte.

Sabotage détecté

Uniquement disponible pour les serrures sans fil Assa Abloy et Allegion pour le moment. Les scénarios suivants sont détectés :

  • L’appareil a été partiellement ou entièrement démonté.

  • L’appareil vibre ou bouge.

Access controller event alerts

Type d’alerte


Contrôleur d’accès hors ligne

Access controller is unresponsive and is not working properly. See Restart an Access Controller.

Alarme incendie déverrouillée

L’alarme incendie est déverrouillée.

Alarme incendie déclenchée

First alarm is triggered.

Area event alerts

Type d’alerte


Double Entrance Violation

Same credential used to enter an area twice without being used to exit in-between.

Double Exit Violation

Same credential used to exit an area twice without being used to enter in-between.

AUX output event alerts

Type d’alerte


AUX Output Activated

AUX output activated in response to an activation event.

AUX Output Deactivated

AUX output deactivated in response to a deactivation event.

Other alerts

Type d’alerte


État d’entrée AUX modifié

Signal is high for an AUX input configured in Verkada Command as an "AUX Monitor".


Le scénario de verrouillage d’urgence est activé.

Create an alert with access events

  1. In Verkada Command, choose the path where you want to access the Create Alerts page:

    • All Products > Admin—See below for steps.

    • All Products > Access

      —This procedure describes how to create an alert from here.

  2. Under Access Control, select one of the event options. If you select a category of events (such as door events), you can select multiple events to trigger the same alert.

  3. All of your alerts across all product lines are managed and created from this dialog and path. The process is broken down into 4 steps:

    1. Events—Events that you want to include in the alert (type, device, site).

    2. Destinataires—Personnes désignées pour recevoir les alertes et la forme de communication.

    3. Horaires—Heure à laquelle les alertes sont programmées pour être envoyées.

    4. Paramètres—Nom et description de l’alerte.

Create Alert > Events

  1. On Select Event: Depending on the selected event(s), you can choose to filter the alert for specific devices (or all devices) org-wide, site-specific, and/or device-specific.

  2. On the left, select the Access device.

  3. Select the desired event and click Next.

  4. (Optional) If you selected one of the following door events, you can also filter the alert for specific users:

    • Accès accordé

    • Accès refusé

    • Door Held Open

    • Horaire modifié

    • Talonnage détecté

    Note: If you selected other events​ (in addition to those listed above), the alert is only filtered based on selected users when triggered by one of those events. Any other selected events will not be filtered based on users.

  5. Click Done and continue with recipients.

Create Alert > Recipients

  1. Search for any Command user to select and add as a recipient. You can select Command users individually or assign the alert to a group.

  2. Select notification preferences: push notification, SMS, email, or Alerts page only. By default, you are added to the alert created.

  3. Click Done and continue with the schedule.

Create Alert > Schedule

  1. Select the notification schedule. You must specify what days and time spans you would like alerts to create for the criteria you chose in the Events section. By default, it is set to 24/7.

  2. Cliquez sur Suivant.

  3. Select your device's notification preference (horn speaker or audio file).

    In addition to notifying individuals, you can configure your horn speaker to play given a specific alert. These alerts can be text-to-speech or an uploaded MP3 file that plays when an alert event occurs.

Access the Admin page

  1. In Command, go to All Products > Admin


  2. On Org Settings, scroll down and select Manage Alerts.

  3. At the top right, click New Alert.

  4. Configure the following settings, as outlined above:

    1. Events—You want to include in the alert (type, device, site).

    2. Recipients—Designated people who can receive alerts and form of communication.

    3. Schedule—When alerts are scheduled to be sent.

    4. Settings—Name and description of the alert. The settings are device-specific.

  5. Follow the same steps as above, starting with Create Alert > Events.

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