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Door Exception Calendars

Automate door schedule changes for future dates

Updated over 2 months ago

Door exception calendars allow you to create exceptions as calendar events that will change the state of selected doors on specific dates, taking priority over the regular door schedules.

See Door Schedules and Exceptions for general information on door schedules.

Key features

  • Modify selected doors' schedules during the date and time when there is an exception on a door exception calendar.

    • An exception can be scheduled to last anywhere between a few minutes to several hours.

  • Set exceptions to repeat on a desired cadence (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.).

  • Reuse exceptions you’ve already created by duplicating a single exception or all exceptions on the same date to another date in the future

  • Add the same door to multiple door exception calendars to apply the exact combination of exceptions that’s needed.

Create a door exception calendar

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access.

  2. On the left panel, click Schedules.

  3. Select Door Exception Calendars.

  4. At the top right, click Add Exception Calendar.

    1. Give the exception calendar a unique name.

    2. Add doors you want the exception calendar to modify.

    3. Add exceptions on dates you want to modify door schedules.

  5. At the top right, click Save.

Add or modify exceptions

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access.

  2. On the left panel, click Schedules.

  3. Select Door Exception Calendars.

  4. Select the specific Door Exception Calendar you want to modify.

  5. Click a date on the calendar to add a new exception, or click on an existing Exception to make changes.

  6. You can configure these settings on the exception as needed:

  7. Click Done.

  8. At the top right, click Save.

Add All Day Defaults

To replace a door's schedule for a day, use the All Day Default exception to make the door "Access Controlled" all day. Then, add Exceptions for specific time periods to set different door states.

There are three different ways to add an All Day Default on a date when editing a Door Exception Calendar:

  1. Add an All Day Default on a date by doing one of the following:

    1. Hover over the relevant calendar date and click + Add all day default.

    2. Click on the relevant calendar date and select Add all day default.

    3. Click Add in the top right, and select All Day Default.

  2. Configure these settings as needed:

    1. Date

    2. Start Time and End Time

    3. (Optional) Repeat Settings

  3. Click Done.

  4. At the top right, click Save.

Duplicate exceptions

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access.

  2. On the left panel, click Schedules.

  3. Select Door Exception Calendars.

  4. Select the specific Door Exception Calendar you want to duplicate.

  5. To duplicate a single Exception:

    1. Click on an Exception.

    2. Click the copy icon.

    3. Select the new date where you want to duplicate the Exception.

    4. Click Duplicate.

  6. To duplicate all Exceptions on the same date:

    1. Hover over the label for a specific date at the top of the calendar.

    2. Click on the three dot icon.

    3. Click Duplicate all exceptions on this day.

    4. Select the new date where you want to duplicate the exceptions.

  7. At the top right, click Save.

Preview Door Schedule and All Exceptions for Single Door

While creating or editing a door exception calendar, it is possible to preview the door schedule and all other door exception calendars applied to a selected door on the calendar. This will allow you to cross-reference all of the other scheduled states for a given door in order to determine what exceptions you want to add or edit.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access.

  2. On the left panel, click Schedules.

  3. Select Door Exception Calendars.

  4. Select the specific Door Exception Calendar that you want to view.

  5. On the left, select the door you want to preview.

  6. Click Preview on Calendar.


Can I add the same door to multiple door exception calendars?

A door can be added to multiple door exception calendars. Verkada combines all exceptions to adjust the door’s schedule. If overlapping Exceptions occur, Verkada prioritizes them based on the rules in What will happen if there are overlapping exceptions for a door?

What will happen if there are overlapping exceptions for a door?

If multiple exceptions overlap for the same door, the most restrictive door status will apply, based on the priority rules below.

Door Status Priority Rules

  1. Locked

  2. Card + Code Entry

  3. Access Controlled

  4. Unlocked

If there are overlapping exceptions, then the First Person In setting will only be applied if all overlapping exceptions have First Person In enabled.

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