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Door Access for Visitors

Give visitors limited access to doors and include them in Roll Call reports for mustering

Updated today

Verkada Guests can integrate with Verkada access control lets organizations give visitors controlled door access. This integration also allows organizations to include visitors in roll call reports.

You can set up door access for visitors by linking Guest types with visitor-specific access control permission sets called visit access types.


A user must be an Access Site Manager and a Workplace Site Admin to configure a Guest type with door access.

To set up a Guest Type with door access, create a new Guest Type or navigate to an existing one by:

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest .

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings .

  3. Select Sites > your site.

  4. Under Guest Types, click Manage Guest Types.

  5. Select your Guest Type.

  6. In the bottom right, select Door Access & Roll Call.

  7. Select Visit Access Type.

    1. In the top right, click Create Visit Access Type and configure the settings as needed.

    2. Click Save.

  8. Navigate back to the Guest type and add the visit access type.

Admin discretion is advised when configuring Guest types with door access. Consider including the Host Approval, Approved List Only, and Security Screening settings to ensure that only desired visitors can open doors.

Unlock links

To enable unlock links for visitors, the Guest type must include the Contact Info step.

Unlock links can only open doors if:

  1. The doors are configured with Remote Unlock enabled.

  2. The access control site has Remote Unlock enabled.

Restrict door access

Regular and invited visitors can access doors by default based on a Guest type’s access control settings. If needed, access can be restricted to invited visitors only.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest .

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings .

  3. Select Sites > your site.

  4. Under Guest Types, click Manage Guest Types.

  5. Select the desired Guest Type.

  6. In the bottom right, select Door Access & Roll Call.

  7. Check Only Allow Invited Guests to Unlock Doors.


Can visitors be included in roll call reports without giving them door access?

Yes, visitors can be included in roll call reports without having door access. The Guest type must be configured with a visit access type with roll call enabled.

Need more help? Contact Verkada Support.

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