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Verkada Pass App

Learn how to optimize your experience with the Verkada Pass app

Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Verkada Pass app allows you to unlock doors that are controlled by access controllers through a mobile app.

The Pass app is supported on iOS and Android mobile devices. It is not supported on iPads or Android tablets.

Grant access to Verkada Pass app

You can grant users access to the Pass app during the add access user flow or by editing their permissions on their access user profile.

Add access users

An email address is required in order to access doors on the Pass app.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access.

  2. On the left panel, click Access Users and Groups.

  3. Click Manage > Add User.

  4. On Profile, add a First Name, Last Name, and Email.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On Credentials, you have the option to Send Invite for the Pass app.

    You will need to toggle on Remote Unlock and/or Bluetooth Unlock for the user to unlock doors in the Pass app.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On Groups, select the groups with the doors the user will need to access.

  9. Click Done to add the user.

Edit access users

Once you add a user to your organization, you will have access to their Profile page. From here you can grant or take away mobile access.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access.

  2. On the left panel, click Access Users and Groups.

  3. Select the user's account and click Profile.

  4. Under Verkada Pass, enable Remote Unlock and/or Bluetooth Unlock, as required. As long as at least 1 of these is enabled, you can select Send Invite to invite the user to the Verkada Pass app.

Switch between Command organizations

When you are a part of multiple Command organizations, you can switch between them, as necessary.

  1. In your Verkada Pass app, at the top right, click the dropdown menu.

  2. Select the organization you want to switch to.


The doors tab shows the list of yours you have access to remotely access.

To show images on doors, you need to take a screenshot from the camera's live view and update the image on the door thumbnail configuration. See Configure a Door to learn more.

Remote unlock

On the Doors tab, you will see a list of all doors you have access to remotely unlock.

  1. Next to a specific door, click Lock to unlock.

  2. The lock icon will turn green for the duration of the door unlock.

    1. If the icon turns red that means access was denied. If you believe you should have access to the door contact your Organization Admin.

    2. You can unlock doors from any location unless geofencing is enabled.

You will only see doors for which you have been granted permissions.

Bluetooth unlock

Bluetooth unlock is currently only supported on Verkada readers. Users must have location sharing “always on” (iOS) and “when in use” (Android) enabled on their respective devices in order to unlock doors via Bluetooth unlock.

  1. To unlock doors via Bluetooth present your phone to the reader.

  2. The reader LED will turn green once access is granted.

    1. If the reader LED turns red that means access was denied. If you believe you should have access to the door contact your Organization Admin.

You may need to hold your phone closer to the reader depending on the set Unlock Proximity.


On the Intercoms tab, you will see a list of all intercoms you have access to talkdown and remotely unlock.

  • Click to initiate a talkdown. Once the call connects you can talk to the user on the other end.

  • Click to unlock the door connected to the intercom.

You will only see intercoms for which you have been granted permissions.


Activate lockdown

  1. On the Verkada Pass app, in the top left, select Lockdown .

  2. Select the lockdown you want and click Activate.

  3. When prompted, select Activate again.

Release lockdown

  1. On the Verkada Pass app, in the top left, select Lockdown .

  2. Select the lockdown you want and click Release.

  3. When prompted, select Release again.

Use location services with the Verkada Pass app

The Verkada Pass app only uses a user’s location locally on the phone. Verkada does not log it and does not send it to our servers.

The Verkada Pass app uses location services for these purposes:

  • Geofencing remote unlock. If geofencing is enabled at the org level, the Pass app uses the user’s location locally on the phone to:

    • Check if it’s within a defined radius of the building

    • Determine if the user is allowed to unlock doors from the Doors tab remotely (location permission level needed: When In Use).

  • Background BLE Unlock. The Verkada Pass app uses the geofence region monitoring setup for each building location to:

    • “Wake up” the app when you approach the building

    • Start Bluetooth Low Energey (BLE) advertisement. This ensures a smooth BLE unlock experience when the app is running in the background (location permission level needed: Always).

  • Nearby doors. The Verkada Pass app uses iBeacon advertisements from the reader to if a door is too far away to unlock. On iOS, the iBeacon API is part of the Location API, so the Pass app needs location permission to use it (location permission level needed: When In Use).

Verkada Pass app version support - Android

The Verkada Pass has a minimum requirement of Android 6 on the Google Play Store. Devices running versions lower than this are not eligible to install the app and are prevented by the OS from opening the app if it is installed.

While the app can be installed and opened on Android versions below 10, we do not guarantee full functionality. If you're experiencing issues, please contact your phone's manufacturer for upgrade support.

If you have impaired functionality with intercom calls or Bluetooth on a device running Android 10 or higher, please contact Verkada Support.

Need more help? Contact Verkada Support.

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