Create Alerts Across Verkada Products

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La fonctionnalité Alertes de Verkada vous avertit lorsque des événements importants se produisent dans vos locaux, ce qui vous permet de passer d’une surveillance réactive à une surveillance proactive.

Dans Verkada Command, vous pouvez configurer des alertes pour une série d’événements dans les gammes de produits caméras, de contrôle d’accès, d’alarmes,de qualité de l’air et de passerelles . Lorsque l’événement se produit, il s’affiche sur votre page Alertes dans Command, et vous pouvez être averti par notification push, SMS ou e-mail afin de pouvoir consulter rapidement l’événement où que vous soyez.

Note: You can create and manage alerts across all Verkada products using the Alerts page and the Admin page. This article will explain how to create alerts from the Alerts page.

Créer des alertes

The Alerts page allows any Command user to easily view all alerts where they are subscribed, identify important events within their sites, and quickly find relevant footage.

  1. Connectez-vous à Verkada Command.

  2. On the Command homepage, left navigation, click Alerts


  3. Sur la page Alertes , à côté de Mes alertes, cliquez sur


  4. Configure the following settings, as outlined below:

    1. Events—Events that you want to include in the alert (type, device, site).

    2. Recipients—Designated people who can receive alerts and forms of communication.

    3. Notification Schedule—When alerts are scheduled to be sent.

    4. Finish the alert—Name and save the alert.

Create Alert > Events

  1. On Select Event, select a Verkada product type (Camera, Access, Alarms, Air Quality).

  2. Search for or select an event to configure.

  3. (Optional) Some event types are general and have more specific options once you select them. If prompted, complete any additional configuration steps then click Next.

  4. Select your devices/sites, based on the alert type you can configure events to be device-specific, site-specific, or all devices.

    • When you select Sites or All Devices, new devices added after alert creation will automatically generate alerts.

    • When you select events by site name, Alarms sites are designated with the alarm badge


    Click Done to continue.

  5. (Optional) Some event types have additional setup steps. If that is the case, click the additional steps and follow the prompts in the configuration window.

  6. Click Done and continue with the alert recipients.

Note: Wired sensors are not currently supported as individual selectable devices, but you can select Sites or All Devices to configure alerts for them.

Create Alert > Recipients

  1. On Recipients, you can search for or select other Command users individually or you can assign the alert to a group.

  2. Select the dropdown menu next to a user or group to choose their notification method(s). Recipients can be notified either via a push notification, SMS, or email.

  3. (Optional) By default, you will be added to the alert created. To remove yourself, select the dropdown menu and click Delete.

  4. Click Done and continue with the alert notification schedule.

Note: Any recipient added to this alert will see it appear under the Shared Alerts section of their Alerts page.

Create Alert > Notification Schedule

  1. On Notification Schedule, you must specify what days and times you want alerts to be sent. By default, events are generated 24/7.

  2. Click Done and continue with the alert device actions or finish the alert.

Create Alert > Device Action

In addition to notifying individuals, you can configure your horn speaker to play when an alert is triggered. These alerts can be text-to-speech or an uploaded MP3 file.

  1. On Device Action, select the horn speaker(s) you want to play your message.

  2. Select your device's notification preference (Text to Speech or Audio File).

    1. For Text to Speech, enter the desired message up to 200 characters.

    2. For Audio File, drag and drop the file or click choose a file to upload your audio clip.

  3. Click Done and continue with finish the alert.

Finish the alert

  1. Click Next on the bottom right of the configuration window once you have configured all the desired alert settings.

  2. Enter a descriptive name for the alert.

  3. Click Done and you will start to receive alerts.

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