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Roles and Permissions for Guest
Roles and Permissions for Guest

Learn the roles and permissions for Verkada Guest

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This article describes the set of roles and associated permissions for Verkada Guest.

  • Permissions are set using roles, which define the level of access users and groups have to devices and settings within an organization and its sites/subsites.

  • User permissions specify what tasks users can perform and what features users can access in Command.

  • Site-level permissions define what access a particular user or group has to the cameras within the site. Site-level permissions are configured using roles.

See Roles and Permissions for Command users for an in-depth explanation of the features and configurations available for overall Verkada Command usage and administration.

Org Admin

By default, Org Admins are Site Admins.

Site-level roles

Note: These roles permit access to view live and historical video for all the cameras in the site they were granted access to, even if the user is assigned live-only view permissions to the camera site.

Site Admin

By default, Org Admins are Site Admins.

  • View guest logs and analytics.

  • View doors in all sites and edit schedules.

  • Import and modify sites.

  • Sign out users and print badges.

  • Grant access to view context cameras added (4 at a time) for the site and the selected history (check-in time only).

For Users

For Employees

  • Add/remove users

  • Grant roles for Workplace

  • Add/remove employees (global and site-specific)

Site Manager

If you have a Guest and a Mailroom at the same site, and you grant a user Site Manager permissions, that user has permissions for Guest and Mailroom.

  • Import and modify sites.

  • Sign out users and print badges.

  • Manage employees (site-specific list only).

  • Edit any Guest settings where they have access (not organizational Guest changes)

  • View account settings.

  • View guest logs and analytics.

  • View doors in permitted sites and edit schedules.

  • With camera role permissions, can view context cameras added (4 at a time) for the site and the selected history (check-in time only).

Site Viewer for Guest

  • Sign out users and print badges.

  • View guest logs and analytics.

  • View doors in permitted sites.

  • View context cameras added (4 at a time) for the site and the selected history (check-in time only).

Note: Une visionneuse de site pour les invités aura accès à l’historique des séquences de chaque caméra du site, même si elle ne dispose que des autorisations de visionneuse en direct uniquement via les autorisations de commande normales.

Assign Site Viewer or Site Manager role

By default, Org Admins are Site Admins. To promote to a Site Admin role, a user must first be an Org Admin. To assign users to Site Manager or Site Viewer:

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest


  2. On the left navigation, select Guest Settings


  3. On Guest Settings, scroll down to Users & Roles.

  4. Select Manage Roles.

  5. Search for and select the user you want to promote.

  6. When prompted in a new window, select Add Role.

  7. Choose a role: Site Viewer or Site Manager.

  8. When prompted, choose which site(s) the user should have access to.

Recommendation: Once a user role has been promoted, we recommend that you refresh the page to see a list of the newly added users and their roles.

Modify and remove users

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest


  2. In the left panel, click Guest Settings


  3. Scroll down to Users & Roles. You should see a list of active users and their roles in your organization. This list is automatically populated from your organization users list.

  4. Click Manage Roles.

  5. Search for and select the user you want to modify. You should see the user and the roles they hold in the organization. You can modify with these options:

    • Add Role—Add Site Viewer or Site Manager roles to users and sites.

    • Add/Remove Sites—Choose to add or remove sites from users.

    • Remove Role—Remove roles from a user, hover over their current role and a Remove Role option should appear.

Note: Removing all roles from a user causes the user to be removed from the Guest dashboard.


How do I grant Mailroom permissions, but not Guest permissions, or vice versa?

To separate these permissions, make your Mailroom site and Guest site different sites entirely. Guest and Mailroom sites that are imported from the same site will share roles given to users. Learn more about Roles and Permissions for Mailroom.

Can a Site Viewer or Manager get access to my cameras if they have “No Access” to the site in Command?

They only get access to the live stream of the context camera(s) added for the Guest site and the 30-second segments from them for Guest check-ins.

What are the minimum permissions needed to see the Guest tab under All Products in Command?

Users must be a Site Viewer (at least) for 1 site to see the Guest tab under All Products.

What is the best role I should grant to my front desk receptionist?

It depends on the specific permissions you want to grant. In most scenarios, receptionists only need to be Site Viewer.

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