Visitor badges are important indicators that can help organizations account for visitors. With a range of customization options, organizations can use visitor badges to clearly present valuable information.
Configure a badge
A visitor badge is configured for a Guest Type. To modify the badge design for a particular Guest Type:
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest
On the left navigation, click Guest Settings
Under Organization > Guest Types click Manage Guest Types.
(Optional) At the top, select Sites and select a site to create a visitor badge for a Guest Type in an individual site.
Select the desired Guest Type.
Click on the badge to modify badge settings.
Badges may include the following information:
Guest Name
Host Name
Badge Photo: the photo a visitor captures at sign-in
Guest's Response: the response a visitor provides to a selected question
Badge design rules
Badge design rules allow guest responses to multiple-choice questions to influence badge design. Multiple-choice questions can be associated with the following parameters:
Border Style
Border Color
Multiple choice questions that are Guest Type steps and those part of a Questionnaire may be used for badge design rules. A parameter condition will be set for each multiple-choice-question response.
A default option with any badge design rule covers the parameter configuration whenever the associated multiple-choice question is unanswered or an "Other" field is selected.
A badge's orientation, border color, and border style may be customized for any badge. Color printing must be available on the site to customize border color.
A border style must be set before the border color can be configured.
By default, the badge will use the organization-level text, colors, and logo unless site-specific colors and logos have been set. To set text colors and a logo used for a specific site's badge:
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest
On the left navigation, click Guest Settings
Under Sites > Details, navigate to Badge Print Settings.
Click on the badge to modify badge settings.
Preview badge design
The badge preview window will display possible badge designs that adhere to the rules set. Use the Print Guide to print or save a PDF that outlines badge design rules.
Do badge design rules work in sites with black & white label printers?
Do badge design rules work in sites with black & white label printers?
Yes, badge design rules can be used in sites with either color or black & white printers. When black & white printing is available, only badge orientation and border style can be tied to a rule.
Can I associate a multiple-choice question with a badge design rule?
Can I associate a multiple-choice question with a badge design rule?
Yes, badge design rules must be associated with multiple-choice questions that only allow a single response, and the multiple-choice question option Allow Multiple Responses must be disabled.
What are the occasions for the Badge of the Day designs?
What are the occasions for the Badge of the Day designs?
Halloween, Independence Day, Chinese New Year, Dia de los Muertos, the World Cup, International Women's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, International Pancake Day, New Year's Day, International Pizza Day, the Super Bowl, World Teacher's Day, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, National Donut Day, Earth Day, first day of each season, May 4th, Saint Patrick's Day, and every Friday.
What are the requirements for the badge logo?
What are the requirements for the badge logo?
The badge logo must be a transparent PNG file with a width of at least 1000 pixels but no more than 5000 pixels and a minimum height of 200 pixels.
Can I resize a badge text, image, or logo?
Can I resize a badge text, image, or logo?
A badge text and photo cannot be resized. The logo can be resized according to the logo specs outlined above, but this operation is not natively supported in Guest.
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