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Session Management

Learn how to configure and utilize the available session and security controls

Updated over 7 months ago

Verkada’s enhanced session management feature ensures an efficient and secure user experience.

Maximum session duration - Command

The Maximum Session Duration control manages the time period after which a user is logged out of their session, regardless of factors, such as their activity history.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin.

  2. In the left navigation, select Privacy & Security >Session Controls.

  3. Locate and set the Maximum Session Duration based on your organizational needs:

    • Default: 60 days

    • Min: 1 day

    • Max: 180 days

Idle timeout - Command

This control specifies the maximum period of inactivity, after which a user is logged out. If the specified value is X days, a user that has not used Verkada Command in over X days is logged out, regardless of whether their maximum session duration has been reached.

Note: The Idle Session Timeout value can never be greater than the Maximum Session Duration value.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin.

  2. In the left navigation, select Privacy & Security >Session Controls.

  3. Locate and set the Idle Timeout based on your organizational needs.

    • Default: 7 days

    • Min: 15 minutes

    • Max: 30 days

    • Government Command organizations default to the recommended 1 hour.

Customize login lockouts - Command

To control the number of unsuccessful login attempts gives Admins the ability to decide the behavior for when users have failed login attempts.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin.

  2. In the left navigation, select Privacy & Security >Session Controls.

  3. Locate and set the Allowed Login Attempts based on your organizational needs. This control specifies the number of unsuccessful login attempts within a span of 15 minutes, after which a user is locked out.

    • Default: 6 attempts

    • Government Command organizations default to the recommended 3 sessions per user

  4. Locate and set the Lockout Period based on your organizational needs. This control specifies the time after which a locked out user is automatically unlocked and allowed to log in to their account.

    • Default: 15 minutes

    • Government Command organizations default to the recommended 30 minutes

Limit concurrent user sessions - Command and Pass App

This control specifies the maximum number of active sessions that a user can have at any given time.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin.

  2. In the left navigation, select Privacy & Security >Session Controls.

  3. Locate and set the Maximum Sessions per User based on your organizational needs.

    • Default: Unlimited sessions

    • Government Command organizations default to the recommended 2 sessions per user

Note: Session refers to a web/mobile instance of Command. This extends to the Verkada Pass app but not other native product-specific apps like the Alarms app.

This implies that being logged in to the same Command account on 10 different tabs in the same browser counts as 1 unique session; for example:

  • Being logged in to the same Command account on 2 different browsers counts as 2 separate sessions.

  • Being logged in to the same Command account on your desktop, mobile (browser), and mobile app (native) counts as 3 separate sessions.

For the Pass app, if the active session maximum is reached, previously logged in users will be logged out and have their BLE credentials revoked until a new active login is established.

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