Partitions are logical groups of sensors or cameras. You can create an arm/disarm schedule for the partition to arm multiple devices at one time.
Create a sensor partition
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Alarms
Select the Alarm site that you want to configure.
In the left navigation, click Partitions
Next to Sensor Partitions, click
In the top right, click
> Rename to change the partition name.
On Devices, click Add Device and select the device(s) to add.
On Arm Schedule, toggle on [Site name] Schedules.
Under a weekday, click and drag the times of day you need the site to arm.
Repeat for other days as needed.
(Optional) Click the Arm Only checkbox to select times for the site to arm and not automatically disarm.
Create a camera partition
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Alarms
Select the Alarm site that you want to configure.
In the left navigation, click Partitions
On Choose Cameras:
Select the cameras to add.
Click Next Step.
On Arm Schedule:
Set the times for the schedule to automatically arm.
Click Next Step.
On Areas to Protect:
Click on the video to draw areas you want to protect.
(Optional) Click Protect entire area to select the entire field of view.
Click Finish.
On Name Your New Camera Partiton:
Enter a unique name.
Click Save.
Remove a device from a partition
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Alarms
Select the Alarm site that you want to configure.
In the left navigation, click Partitions
Select your partition.
Click on your device.
In the top right, click
> Delete.
Click Confirm.
Delete a partition
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Alarms
Select the Alarm site that you want to configure.
In the left navigation, click Partitions
Select your partition.
In the top right, click
> Remove Partition.
Click Remove.
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