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Enable Guest Security Screening
Enable Guest Security Screening

Learn how to use the Verkada Guest Security Screening feature

Actualizado hace más de una semana

To strengthen an organization's oversight of their campuses and sites, Verkada Guest offers an optional Security Screening feature for each Guest Type defined under a specified Guest site.

Within Guest, administrators can enable additional screening for sex offenders, allowing staff to deny entry and alert relevant personnel via email and SMS.

Required. You must have Guest Administrator or Guest Site Manager permissions to edit this feature.

Configure the feature

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest.

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings.

  3. On the Guest Settings > Organization, scroll down to Guest Types and click Manage Guest Types.

  4. On Guest Types, select the Guest Type that should be required to complete the security screen.

  5. Marca la casilla Control de seguridad. Esto debería habilitar automáticamente las casillas Lista de denegados y Verificar base de datos de agresores, y solicitar este Tipo de invitado para completar el control de seguridad.

  6. En la parte superior derecha, haz clic en X para cerrar la configuración del sitio.

  7. Repeat the last 2 steps for any other Guest Type that should be required to complete the security screen.

A partir de este momento, a estos Tipos de invitados se les solicitará que escaneen su licencia de conducir o su identificación oficial estadounidense.

Experiencia de registro de invitados

A guest can check in using the iPad kiosk (see list of supported iPads) or scanning a QR code on their mobile device.

  1. If the guest selects a reason for visit that requires the security screen, they are prompted to consent to scanning their photo ID.

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  2. (Optional) If the lighting in the area of the iPad kiosk is poor, at the top right of the screen, the guest can tap the lightning bolt icon to temporarily brighten the screen of the iPad to better illuminate the ID card.

  3. While precision isn't required, the guest should:

    1. Center the ID card in the frame.

    2. Use approximately half of the framed area.

    3. Hold the ID steady.

  4. Once detected, the ID is automatically scanned and the following check-in page is prefilled with the guest's name.

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The guest can then proceed with the rest of the check-in process.

Función de validación de coincidencia de delincuentes

Si no hay coincidencia, el invitado continúa con el proceso de registro como de costumbre. Si existe una posible coincidencia, el invitado pide al personal de recepción que revise el caso.

Note: Currently, the Offender Match Violation feature only works with US citizens.

El personal de recepción debe:

  1. Cotejar visualmente el documento de identidad facilitado por el invitado con la información obtenida de los registros de agresores sexuales locales/estatales.

  2. Indicar si es una coincidencia.

  3. Realizar la confirmación final.

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  4. Según el resultado de la coincidencia:

    • If the guest does not match the offender, then the front desk personnel selects No and the check-in continues.

    • If the guest does match the offender, then the front desk personnel selects Yes > Confirm. The guest is then denied entry at the iPad kiosk (or their mobile browser) and, if the Security Screening box is checked, Verkada Command notifies the host and/or other contacts, as configured on the Guest site.

    • However, if it's necessary to admit someone who is flagged as a known offender, the Guest administrator can click Allow guest to enter.

      The guest badge is printed and the entry log reads “Guest was allowed to enter by [user name]”.

Update denied entry settings

If a guest is denied entry to the site, the iPad kiosk displays a denied entry message and notifies specific contacts, as configured in the Guest site settings.

To update these settings for a particular Guest site:

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest.

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings.

  3. On Guest Settings, click the dropdown and select the correct site.

  4. Desplázate hacia abajo, hasta las secciones Notificaciones del personal y Entrada denegada para actualizar la lista de contactos y el mensaje de entrada denegada.

Recomendado. Si tu organización tiene varios sitios de Verkada Guest, asegúrate de configurar estas opciones adecuadamente para cada uno de ellos.

Privacidad y retención de datos

The Security Screening feature maintains privacy with several strict security levels and measures.

At the user level

Guest maintains strict user roles and permissions.

  • Guest Administrators and Guest Site Managers have access to select the security screen feature.

  • Guest Site Viewers have the ability to check-in guests, view guest logs, and confirm potential matches within the Guest interface.

At the product level

Only the full name and date of birth are sent to the third-party vendor conducting the US sex offender search.

  • El proveedor externo de bases de datos elimina la información utilizada para realizar la búsqueda una vez completada.

  • No imagery from Verkada cameras or the Verkada Guest kiosk is used to do biometrics searches against registered sex offender lists.

At the infrastructure level

All customer data is stored in Verkada’s platform.

  • Los datos no se comparten entre conjuntos de datos de clientes.

  • Todas las comunicaciones con el sistema están totalmente encriptadas en tránsito y en reposo.

Acceder a la configuración Seguridad y datos

Note: Verkada Guest saves confirmed offender records in Command for 30 days by default (1–90 days supported).

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Guest.

  2. On the left navigation, click Guest Settings.

  3. On Guest Settings > Organization:

    1. Scroll down to Security & Data.

    2. Set the Expire after value accordingly.

Lista de iPads compatibles

Modelo de iPad


Resolución de la cámara Facetime (MP)

¿Pantallas de seguridad?

¿Es compatible con iOS 14.6+?

iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas



iPad Pro de 11 pulgadas






iPad Air



iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas




iPad Pro de 12,9 pulgadas




iPad Pro de 11 pulgadas




iPad Pro de 10,5 pulgadas




iPad Pro de 9,7 pulgadas








iPad Mini




iPad Mini




iPad Air




iPad Air




iPad Mini





iPad Air





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