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Incident Management

Use Incident Management to resolve incidents that occur on your premises

Updated over 5 months ago

Incident Management enables Org Admins to easily manage digital evidence and reporting. You can organize relevant video footage, append notes, and generate incident reports automatically. This helps you coordinate the investigation and document the findings and outcomes.

Use Incident Management to resolve incidents that occur on organization premises, such as trespassing, burglary, or slip-and-fall.

Incident management permissions



Create an incident

  • Site Viewer

  • Site Admin

  • Org Admin

View incidents they have created

  • Site Viewer

  • Site Admin

  • Org Admin

View all incidents, including incidents they haven’t created

  • Org Admin

Assign the first owner to incidents

  • Incident owner

  • Org Admin

Share an incident with a user

  • Incident owner

  • Org Admin

Remove or change ownership of an incident

  • Incident owner

  • Org Admin

Delete an incident

  • Incident owner

  • Org Admin

Mark an incident as closed

  • Incident owner

  • Org Admin

If certain roles have additional restrictions, (such as not being able to share or download archives), they will apply for incident reports as well. See Roles & Permissions Customization for more information.

Create a new incident

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents.

  3. At the top, click Create New Incident.

    1. In the top left, a name is auto-generated in the format [DATE New Incident]. Click the name and change it if needed.

    2. In the Summary box, enter a brief description of the incident.

Add archives to an incident

Incident page

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents > your incident.

  3. Under Videos, click Go to Archives.

    1. Click next to the archive you want to add.

    2. Select Copy to Incident.

You will see Add another video instead of Go to Archives after adding the first archive.

Archives page

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Archives.

    1. Click next to the archive you want to add.

    2. Select Copy to Incident.

Add incident notes

You can add notes to archived clips to make tracking your investigation easier.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents > your incident.

  3. Under Videos, next to an archived clip, click Add note and enter your note.

You will not see Add note if a note is already added. Click the text box with the existing note to edit.

Review an incident

The Summary page of an incident allows you to manage all the component of the incident in one place. At the top, in the Summary box you can add a general description of the incident.


The Videos tab displays all the archives attached to the incident. Click Play Videos at the right to play all the archives in sequence. On the right of the video player you will see a comprehensive list of footage clips, archive duration, and notes.


The People tab displays all the detected people from your archived clips. This makes it easy to quickly identify the individuals involved in the incident.


The Vehicles tab displays all the detected vehicles from your archived clips. This makes it easy to quickly identify the vehicles involved in the incident.

If you remove a people or vehicle hyperzoom from an incident it only removes it from the incident. It does not remove it from Command and will still be accessible under the camera's analytics.

Activity log

The Activity Log tab displays a comprehensive audit log of views, edits, and downloads so that your organization can have full visibility into user org actions.

Share an incident

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents > your incident.

  3. In the top right, click Share.

    1. Enter the name, email, or group to share with.

    2. In the drop down select the role for the user.

      • Editor - allows you to view all archived clips, annotate the archives, share archives with assigned people, copy archives to an incident, view hyperzooms, and make changes to the incident reports.

      • View & Download - allows you to view and download all assets associated with an incident, including archives, images & hyperzooms.

      • View Only - allows a user to view all assets associated with the shared incident, such as archives or hyper zooms.

  4. Click Done.

External users can only be granted View Only or View & Download permissions. They cannot make edits to an incident.

Download relevant files

You can package and download all relevant files and information into a ZIP folder for record keeping or to share with external personnel, such as law enforcement or insurance providers.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents > your incident.

  3. In the top right, click > Download Incident.

  4. On the Download Incident dialog, check the items you want to download:

    • Incident Detail PDF

    • Videos

    • Activity Log

  5. Click Download. Your files will download to your designated folder as a ZIP file.

Change incident status

You can close the incident and refer back to it anytime from the Incident Management page once you complete your investigation. You can also reactive an incident if more information need to be added. All incidents and their contents are retained indefinitely.

Mark closed

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents > your incident.

  3. In the top right, click > Mark Incident Closed.

Mark active

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras .

  2. On the left panel, click Incidents > your incident.

  3. In the top right, click > Mark Incident Active.

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