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Partner Tools
Updated over 6 months ago

The Partner Tools page in Verkada Command give our partners more tools to provide great customer service to their customers. This feature enhances communication and collaboration between the partner and the Verkada team, ultimately benefiting the customer's overall experience.

Note: Relevant Verkada contacts, including the current Sales Representative, their manager, and the Verkada Solutions Engineer who are presently working with that customer are accessible to the partner.

Enable Partner View

To gain access to Partner Tools, please contact Verkada Support and request to enable the Partner View flag. A Verkada Support representative can search for the partner account and verify and confirm the partner or reseller relationship.

Access the Partner Tools page

Once a partner has been confirmed, they can easily access the cross-customer overview, as follows:

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Partner Tools.

  2. The overview page display information related to licensing and support cases for their customers.

Note: This tool is only available for Org Admins of the partner account.


View enhanced customer-specific insights

On the overview page, here's what a partner can view:

  • Specific customers to gain detailed insight into the current state of a customer’s Command organization

  • Detailed product breakdown of licensing for that customer's organization, including any specific licenses that may be missing

  • When a customer’s license is set to expire, enabling them to proactively reach out about renewals


  • Currently active support cases for that organization

  • History of cases closed over the past six months

  • Support cases and insight into the types of issues and support assistance commonly required by the customer.

Note: At present, this feature only shows support cases that have been initiated through Command live chat.


How customers share information with partner contacts

Customers have full control over what information they share with their partners. Depending on their preferences and security requirements, they can choose to share either licensing data, support case information, or both.

These Partner Tools operate independently of org membership. This separation ensures a seamless and secure experience for both partners and customers.

Required. To grant partners access to customer-specific information, the customer must explicitly share it with them. This sharing process is facilitated by Customer Org Admins within their Command org.

Admins can manage partner access through the Manage Verkada Partners feature, accessible under Admin > Org Settings.


Need more help? Contact Verkada Support.

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