You can upload images in bulk to quickly create profiles and badges for employees and users.
Upload individual images
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access
On the left navigation, click Access Users and Groups
Find the user's profile for the photo you want to upload.
Under Profile, you can drag or upload a photo to the User Photo section.
Upload bulk images
In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Access
On the left navigation, click Access Users and Groups
At the top right, click Access Users.
At the top right, click Manage and select Upload User Photos.
Make sure that the images are named [email address].[filetype], where:
Each image should not exceed 5MB.
No more than 500 pictures per upload.
Verkada automatically resizes any images larger than 512 x 512 px. If your images are larger, upload an image first to verify that the automatic resize is reasonable.
Drag and drop image files.
Resolve any errors that may occur; for example:
The file size is too large.
The file name does not match an existing user.
Corrupted file. If the user uploads a corrupted file, the upload is not allowed.
Click Upload to save the photos to the user's profiles.
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