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Selective Face Blur for Archives

Blur selected faces when archiving footage to increase privacy

Updated over 2 months ago

Selective Face Blur creates an archive with each face blurred except the faces you deselect. This is a great option to preserve the privacy of bystanders when you export the video of an event.

Face blur works best when:

  • There are only a few people in each frame.

  • People's faces are clearly visible - hats and masks tend to partially block faces, which can result in missed detections.

Create a Face Blur archive

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.

  2. Select a camera to archive.

  3. At the bottom of the camera footage, select Archive .

  4. On the right, click Add Archive.

  5. Toggle on Blur Faces.

  6. Click All Faces to deselect any faces you do not wish to blur. Click on the image of a detected person in the right-side panel and click in the top right corner of the image to unblur that person in the archive.

    Note: For optimal accuracy, you may see repeated individuals. Make your selections, click Done, and then Save to create the archive.

Two separate archives will be created: one with the blurred faces (auto-tagged with Blurred Faces) and the second with the original un-blurred video.


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