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Air Quality Alerts Migration

Learn about how your Verkada Air Quality Sensor alerts will be migrated

Updated over 6 months ago

On November 15, 2023, Verkada Air Quality Sensor customers will be migrated to a new alert experience.

You can now display and view your Verkada Air Quality Sensor alerts from the Alerts page in Verkada Command, making it easier to manage all alerts from a single page across your Verkada products. You can also manage your alert workflows on the Admin > Manage Alerts page.

This new feature expands alert functionality:

  • Org Admins can now enable push notifications for all sensor events, including vape, temperature, and more.

  • With push notifications, users can now use the Command mobile app to receive a notification straight to their mobile device.

  • Org Admins can now subscribe groups to a notification, and sensor alerts now have a Command user group, allowing for much easier alert-recipient management.

New migration process

Alert management

Prior to the new migration, alerts were managed on the sensor's detail settings page:

Alert creation

During the migration process, the new alert rules are created on a per-user basis.

The migration created one (1) alert rule for each user, for each of the following:

  1. One or more sensor alerts. Multiple readings and devices will be grouped together in this alert as a union.

  2. One or more sensor zone events.

  3. One or more sensor status events (offline alerts).

In the previous alert system, sensor offline notifications were email only. Now you can receive SMS or Push notifications in addition to email.

This means that post-migration, you can have, at most, 3 alert rules if you were subscribed to all 3 of the different use cases.

For each of these alerts, your previous sensor notification settings schedule was used for the schedule in the new alert system. This also includes the Disable when alert ends setting.

If the SMS method was enabled in the previous alert system, the Push notification method was automatically enabled in the new alert system.

Alert name format

The alert name is generated using the following format and depends on the alert type:

  • User name's sensor alerts

  • User name's zone alerts

  • User name's status alerts

Editor role

The new alert system introduces the role of Editor. Editors can see, modify, and delete their alerts.

  • In the previous alert system, all Site Admins were Editors.

  • In the new alert system, all Site Admins who oversee devices where a user was subscribed are now added as an Editor.

Any new Site Admins are not automatically added as an Editor.

How this new alert system works

At a high level, here are some helpful examples that show how this new alert system works:

  • If you have 10 users subscribed to vape alerts on 100 sensors, you would have 10 alert rules.

  • If you have 1 user subscribed to vape alerts on 100 sensors, you would have 1 alert rule.

  • If you have 2 users subscribed to vape alerts on 1 sensor, you would have 2 alert rules.

  • If you have 5 users subscribed to vape and temperature alerts on 10 sensors, you would have 5 alert rules.

  • If you had one user who was subscribed to sensor alerts, sensor zone alerts, and sensor offline alerts set up, they would have 3 alert rules:

    • John Doe’s sensor alerts

    • John Doe's sensor zone alert

    • John Doe's sensor status alerts

User journey from previous to current alert system

The goal of this topic is to take you through the pre and post-migration process.

  1. Explore how your alerts appeared in the previous alerts system.

  2. Explain how your alerts appear in the new alert system.

Previous alert system (example)

In the previous system, where "Dominic" is the user with these details:

  • Subscribed to 3 sensors: vape, noise, and temperature alerts.

  • Scheduled from Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM (as shown below).

  • Disabled when alert ends disabled (meaning Dominic would receive a second notification when the alert ended).

  • In this example, there is another Site Admin ("Will") who can modify these devices.

  • "Dominic" is also subscribed to one (1) device's offline alerts:

  • As well as one (1) zone alert:

New alert system (post-migration)

In the new alert system, you can go to the Manage Alerts page to see your migrated alerts.

Manage Alerts page

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin.

  2. Under Org Settings, click Manage Alerts.

  3. (Optional) At the top, you may need to click Shared Alerts to filter alerts.

All migrated air quality sensor alerts are shared alerts.

From this example, you see 3 alerts in the list (see below for example details):

  1. Dominic's sensor alerts rule—Contains any sensor device readings he was subscribed to. In this case, it was 3 sensors and he was subscribed to the vape, noise, and tamper sensor readings.

  2. Dominic's status alerts rule—Contains any sensor offline alerts he was subscribed to. In this case, it was one sensor.

  3. Dominic's zone alerts rule—Contains any sensor zones he was subscribed to. In this case, it was 1 sensor zone. Previously, sensor zones would alert to all readings. This means that all sensor readings are selected during the migration process.

Dominic's sensor alerts

Events setup

Dominic is subscribed to the 3 devices as before, and the union of any readings he was subscribed to (in this case: vape, noise, and temperature).

Dominic's Disable when alert ends setting was also successfully migrated.

Recipient setup

For migrated alerts, the Recipients section should only contain one (1) single user.

Schedule setup

Dominic's previous schedule of Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM was successfully migrated.

Settings setup

Will is also an Editor because he was a Site Admin for this device.

Dominic's status alerts

Events setup

Dominic is subscribed to Sensor Status alerts (offline alerts) to the same device as before.

Dominic's Disable when alert ends setting was also successfully migrated because, with offline alerts, you always want to know when the device comes back online.

The Recipients and Schedule setup will always be the same.

Settings setup

Will is also an Editor because he was a Site Admin for this device.

Dominic's zone alerts

Events setup

Dominic is subscribed to a single sensor zone alert just as before.

All sensor events are selected because, in the previous alert system, zone alerts would notify on any alerts triggered.

The Recipients and Schedule setup will always be the same.

Settings setup

Will is also an Editor because he was a Site Admin for this device.

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