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Authenticate Verkada Video Footage
Authenticate Verkada Video Footage

Learn how to verify the integrity of your video archive

Updated over 7 months ago

Verkada Verify is a new feature that enables your organization to verify the integrity of your security footage. This feature allows anyone who has been sent a Verkada video archive, including non-Verkada users, to quickly and independently verify the authenticity of the footage and ascertain that it hasn't been tampered with.

Verkada Verify can be accessed by anyone from any corner of the world with just a browser at No login or software downloads required. Authenticating a video with Verkada Verify is as simple as selecting the video from the UI.

Verify user roles

The typical role of a Verkada Verify user includes:

  • Archive users, such as security team personnel, who need a way to prove to police and the court of law that that evidence has not been tampered with.

  • Video consumers, such as law enforcement and attorneys, who use the video as evidence in court.

Select a video for verification

To prevent evidence tampering, upload an archive video to verify if the video is the same as the original one generated by Verkada Command.

  1. From a supported browser, go to

  2. Select the video file that you want to verify by dropping your video in the box or choosing a video on your local drive to upload.

    Note: The Verkada Verify portal allows any user on the internet to select a video file from their system. The video must be available on the local machine where the browser is running. Video uploaded to cloud storage services, such as Google Drive or Dropbox or OneDrive, are not supported at this time.

  3. Within seconds after the upload is complete, Verkada Verify:

    1. Checks whether the uploaded video matches the original video in Verkada Command and displays the result.

    2. Checks the content of the video, so that if you rename the file or make a copy without altering its frames, it does not cause the video to fail verification.

  4. Once the video integrity is verified, you should see the verification confirmation.

  5. If it's not verified, it could be due to a number of reasons not limited to:

    • Video has been tampered with

    • Video contents were modified (for e.g. length was trimmed, audio was removed)

    • Video was converted to another video or audio format

    • Video parameters were modified

    • Video was opened and saved using a video player, such as QuickTime Player

  6. Click Verify Another Video to retry the verification process.

Need more help? Contact Verkada Support.

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