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Bulk Edit Air Quality Sensor Settings

Learn how to quickly edit sensor settings and alert thresholds

Updated over 7 months ago

Using the Verkada Command platform, you can edit a group of Verkada Air Quality Sensors and their respective settings, all at once.

Bulk select sensors

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Devices.

  2. Select the air quality sensors you want to modify.

  3. In the search bar, enter device type: Air Quality to filter only for sensors.

    Note: You can only edit in bulk when Air Quality is the only device type selected.

  4. Check the box next to each sensor you want to update.

    Alternatively, at the top, click the black box (with a white vertical line) to select all devices within the site or org.

Bulk edit sensor settings

  1. Once you have selected your devices, at the top right, click Edit Settings.
    Note: This may appear as just a gear icon if you're viewing from a mobile browser or a low-resolution monitor.

  2. On Edit Settings, you can modify Site, Location, Sensors and Triggers (Alert Thresholds), Notification Settings, and Offline Notifications. See Air Quality Sensor Settings for details on how to configure those settings.

    • If a given parameter is identical across all selected devices, it appears as the set value.

    • If there is a different value set across any of the devices, it appears as Mixed.

  3. Some model devices contain more or less sensor capabilities than others. You can edit all available sensor reader settings. If you select a mix of sensor devices with different capabilities:

    • Changes are still applied to all sensors.

    • Devices with additional capabilities are also modified.

      For example, you can modify Temperature and Carbon Monoxide sensors for an SV23 and SV25. However, because this reading only exists on the SV25, the Temperature sensor reading is applied to all devices, and the Carbon Monoxide sensor reading is only applied to the SV25s.

  4. You can set up triggers for the selected device(s) that will generate alerts:

    1. Click Set Trigger or Edit Trigger for a sensor reading.

    2. Set your Thresholds and Event Trigger.

    3. (Optional) Click Create Alert to set up and receive notifications via Email, SMS, or Push Notifications (to the Command app).

    4. Once you create your alert, click Save.

      Note: When editing devices in bulk, you should see a list of alerts that you are listed as an Editor. Org Admins will see all alerts.

  5. Once your changes are finalized, click Next.

  6. When prompted, confirm the changes that you are about to make, and click Apply.

    Important: After a bulk change is applied, it cannot be reverted. Any single device configurations are overwritten with the new values and must be set again from their device settings page.

  7. After the change is confirmed, Command applies the modifications to your devices.

    Recommendation: If you modify multiple devices at once, this step can take some time. Do not exit or leave this page while changes are being applied. Leaving or exiting the page during this step can lead to the change only being partially applied.

  8. Once the changes are completed, and you are prompted with a confirmation or error summary, click Done. If you run into any unexpected errors, contact Verkada Support.

Need more help? Contact Verkada Support.

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