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Air Quality Event Analytics

Learn how to track and monitor Verkada air quality sensor alert trends across your organization

Updated over 7 months ago

Verkada’s air quality sensors are designed to give you the ability to monitor environments for abnormal conditions automatically and in real time. With sensor analytics, you can track and monitor alert trends, environmental trends, and behaviors across your organization, at the site and device levels.

Access event analytics

The Event Analytics page makes it easier to view and analyze your sensor data. You can now specify which readings to evaluate to see how many alerts are generated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The page has an easy-to-use graph to help identify trends and a table to show the count of total alerts and associated changes.

  1. In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Air Quality.

  2. On the left navigation, click Analytics .

  3. On Event Analytics:

    1. Click the sensor reading dropdown and choose which reading you want to view. You can select from any of the Air Quality sensor readings available; however, only alerts on configured and supported devices contribute to the data.

    2. Click the timeframe dropdown (by default, Weekly is selected) and choose which timeframe you want to view.

      • Hourly—Shows an hour-by-hour view of the selected day.

      • Daily—Shows a day-by-day view of the past 12 days.

      • Weekly—Shows a week-by-week view for the past 12 weeks.

      • Monthly—Shows a month-by-month view for the past 12 months.

    3. Click the sites dropdown (by default, All Sites is selected), and individually select the sites you want to review. If you're only interested in a portion of the devices in the sites, we recommend that you create a new subsite for those devices.

Understand the analytics table

Within the detailed view:

  • You see a breakdown of how your selected sites have performed over the time interval selected compared to their previous performance.

  • At the top left, you see a composite summary of the reading for all selected sites over the time interval selected. You may also select a new sensor reading to analyze.

  • You can select any of the columns to be the active tab.

  • Totals Alerts show the sum of all alerts over the time interval selected.

    • The number above the column and in the summary section on the top left of the page is the total sum of the Totals Alerts for all sites.

  • Change shows the change as a percentage-based reference over the time interval selected.

    • A red upward arrow indicates an uptick in alerts over the measured period.

    • A green downward arrow indicates a decrease in alerts over the measured period.

    • No change over time is expressed as 0%.

    • An increase from zero events in the reference column is considered undefined (division by zero) and is expressed as --%.

    • The most alerts can increase over time is infinite with a 2x increase corresponding to a 100% change.

    • The most alerts can decrease over time is finite converging to 0% where a 2x decrease corresponds to a 50% change.

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