BC51 (Alarms console)
While watching live-view:
5-minute input rate 0.9 Mbps
5-minute output rate 0.3 Mbps
As of August 2023, Verkada has replaced the BC51 Alarm Console with the BC82 Alarm Console. For details, see the End-of-Sale announcement.
BC82(Alarms console)
While watching live-view:
5-minute input rate 0.1 Mbps
5-minute output rate 1.2 Mbps
Note: the BC51 and the BC82 uses WebRTC for real-time video/audio streaming. This means that the input and output rates can be higher or lower depending on available bandwidth and if you are actively watching the live stream.
BK21/BK11 (Alarms console)
5-minute input rate 0.1 Mbps
5-minute output rate .1 Mbps
Note: the BK21 and BK11 use WebRTC for real-time audio streaming. This means that the input and output rates can be higher or lower depending on available bandwidth and if you are actively calling the console.
BH61 (wireless hub) BP41 (Alarms panel)
5-minute input rate 20 kbps
5-minute output rate 20 kbps
Note: These numbers may be higher or lower depending on how many sensors are connected to a given hub and how many events these sensors generate.
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